About Me

Heya, I'm Celeste (aka Lesty) and welcome to Lesty Illustrates - a happy haven for those who may not fit into "normal". You're welcome to stay a while :)

I'm an Artist/Illustrator from Perth, Western Australia who spends her days honing her craft and drawing happy things. I am Autistic & ADHD - a fun combo on the best of days - and am an outspoken advocate for the rights of people with disabilities. I'm also a proud member of the LGBTQ+ community.

This lil shop is my creative outlet, and helps me to generate an income for myself as I cannot work a 9-5 due to the impacts of my disabilities.

I am assisted in my business by some truly awesome support workers who help me manage the behind-the-scenes stuff. 

If you'd like to follow me on social media, I have a few links below. Otherwise I hope  you have a lovely day :)

- Celeste

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lestyillustrates

YouTube: https://youtube.com/@lestyillustrates

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@lestyillustrates